Ten Reasons Why Chatting Is Good For You

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Research shows that people who gossip often are happier than those who don't. Chatting is good for you. Here are ten reasons why a good chin-wag is great for your health and happiness.

  1. It gives you confidence. Practising your chat techniques with friends can help a lot when you come to meet other people. If you are confident speaker within your group of friends you will find it easier to chat to strangers and new people.
  2. You learn things. The more you chat to people the more you will learn which will make for much more fruitful and interesting conversations in other parts of your life.
  3. Pronunciation is key. It is great to read a lot, to know a lot of words and to how to use them. However if you stumble on their pronunciation it can be a little embarrassing. Saying tricky words out loud is the only way to get them right.
  4. You get to observe. Take note when chatting to other people. If you notice things that annoy you when you are chatting, like people not listening or always cutting in, you will learn what to avoid yourself.
  5. You look more sociable. Chatting easily when out and about with friends will make you look more sociable to anyone who is watching. Get into the habit of making your immediate company the focus of your conversation.
  6. Fill the silences. When you are well versed in the art of chatting it will be easier to fill awkward silences when out on a date or meeting someone for the first time. It will come in handy when you meet people that you really want to chat to.
  7. Your face gets exercise. In the age of Botox this might not sound like such a good thing but a face with well exercised muscles finds it easier to smile. Who can resist a warm, welcoming smile?
  8. The gift of the gab. Practise makes perfect in any situation. If you are someone who chats often without a complex, you will be intriguing everyone you speak to with what you have to say.
  9. It makes you happy. Research shows that chatting is not only fun, it actually makes you happier. A good gossip every day releases endorphins that make you feel naturally happier. What better reason can there be to get on the phone and have a little chat?
  10. Chatting to someone is easy! People from all over the UK are chatting, flirting and dating live on our lines right now. Whether you are from Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester or London, phone and chat with someone online now!

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Chat or Date is the UK's leading provider of phonechat lines with over 16 years of success behind us

At Chat or Date we help 1000's of people to get together for telephone dating on safe chat lines whenever or wherever they are. We are the largest provider of cheap chat lines and dating phonelines in the UK.

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Chat or Date is one of the Intermediactive Group brands and sits alongside Gay Network, 4D, Candywall and Kooma as part of the wider group. The group is wholly UK owned and based in South London. We are regulated by both OFCOM and the Phone-paid Services Authority and are members of the Internet Foundation, FAST, the DMA and AIME.

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